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The following bibliography lists books and catalogues in which Meera's paintings were published
NOTE: this list is not complete and will be edited further.


Meera, Exhibition Catalogue, Taj Art Gallery, January 1989

Taj Art Gallery, Bombay, India Exhibition 3rd - 9th January 1989
The following works were published in this publication:

DISCOVER Shree Rajneesh Magazine, Number 0, March 1989

published by The Rebel Publishing House, Köln, Germany
The following works were published in this publication:

Meera, Exhibition Catalogue, 1990

Exhibition, 1990 dedicated to Osho and his vision of creativity, with English and Japanese text
The following works were published in this publication:

MEERA, Edition of Fine Art Prints, Meistersinger Gallery, 1990

published by Rudolf Hohenberger, Meistersinger Foundation
The following works were published in this publication:

O-SHOW, Exhibition Catalogue, ART TODAY, February 1996

OSHO School of Creative Arts; Group exhibition from 12th - 23rd of February, 1996 in New Delhi, India
The following works were published in this publication:

"Blossoming" Art Book, September 2000

published September 2000 by Meera Hashimoto and Yoshitsugu Kawabata, with Japanese and English text
The following works were published in this publication:

MEERA, Exhibition Catalogue, Galleria Fiorito & Fluturel, October 2006

Galery Fiorito & Fluturel, Munich, Germany Exhibition 21.10. - 27.10.2006
The following works were published in this publication:

ART IS A BRIDGE TO LIFE, Meera Art Museum (MAM), Exhibition catalog booklet, 2020

The following works were published in this publication:

MAM Meera Art Museum Exhibition Catalogue, 2021

Exhibition catalogue for the permanent exhibition in the Meera Art Museum (MAM), located in Casole d'Elsa, Tuscany, Italy. Opening of the Museum in the year 2021
The following works were published in this publication:


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